Service activities include service areas such as hairdressing, optics, dry cleaning, medical and dental services, car washing, vulcanization, accounting, legal services, consulting,... etc., whose work is usually carried out by one person, family members, or a close-knit employment structure, usually associated with one or more minor activities.
In most activities, service companies are not linked to large systems, since their activity and business success are based on personal contact between the service company and the user.
The EcoSynergy system in the service industry includes and connects in groups several types of the same service providers - in the following benefits:
Manufacturers receive useful, clean, recycled materials from the EcoSynergy system to incorporate into the production and structure of new products.
These group rebates achieved through the EcoSynergy System are fully transferred to the individual service activity in financial and promotional terms.
The service activity with the Membership Agreement acquires a group connection with the system and to the extent that it provides quality services, it gains greater recognition in its environment with the possibility of expanding its activity and attracting new clients.
The inclusion of the service activity takes place according to the following steps:
For a well-executed service activity, you are rewarded with lower operating costs, wider access to business customers, improved banking and financial rating through the ESG 24/7 computer application and better RWA (risk-weighted assets) banking status of the company.
Technology Park 19
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia - Europe