Monetisation of deposits


Coming soon



New marketing

All previous forms of advertising for commercial products and services were based on the usefulness of the product, the satisfaction of the users, the time function of the product and the development of the technology.

Consumer awareness is increasingly focused on whether the product harms the human environment, clean water, clean air, and clean nature during its manufacture, its useful life, and after its function has ended.

The birth of a new ethic requires the user/consumer to select/use products that follow ethical principles and to adapt their cognitive habits of life to these value criteria.

What the new marketing channel enables:

  • The manufacturer promotes awareness that it captures all possible quantities of incoming recycled materials in its production process,, incorporates them as much as possible in the structure of the new product without reducing the technical, physical, design and other standards of the product, promotes the use of its products through sale/sharingso that the product and transport packaging are returned by the user to the circular economy system without causing any burden or impact on the environment.

    With the monthly payments for sharing/selling products,the user also pays by submitting clean raw materials, materials, packaging,... etc. to the circular economy system, and the manufacturer's products clean the environment, cities, urban areas with the slogan "With our products we clean your environment".

  • Presentation of the company "with products that clean your environment" on multimedia screens (dimensions: 356 x 200 cm) at ESS collection centers, mobile applications, social networks of EcoSynergy System and partners, cleaning campaigns sponsored by companies, direct advertising of participating members EcoSynergy System in each country and through the introduction of individual ecological/environmental taxes in certain countries of the world, the products obtain the status of reduced carbon footprint, are presented as an environmental and user-friendly product and achieve the best positioning in the market.

  • A new global marketing trend promotes companies that include a maximum of recycled raw materials and materials in the structure of new products with materials and raw materials from the population, service activities, industry and commerce, whose products are promoted by selling and sharing, so that the users of their products, depending on the amount of collected and supplied raw materials, materials, packaging,... etc. are rewarded with a discount price of their products.

Consumers' ecological awareness makes them loyal users, citizens and promoters of environmental change, connected to others around the world through the EcoSynergy System portal.